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Ringelblumen, Flockenblumen, Margeriten.jpg

Flower meadows &    flower strips

are the most species-rich habitats
of our native flora and fauna

Photo: Pixabay Royalty-free

Our mission is to keep nature on our doorstep!
We are committed to sustainable action in harmony with nature and reinvest in a future worth living for the well-being of our children and grandchildren.

PN Biodiversitäts-Zertifikate grün

Taking responsibility for our nature and future generations together.

We create living spaces

Natural Capital Shares
Wildflower meadows and flower strips are particularly valuable ecosystems
... they are the species-richest habitats in our homeland ...
... and food base for bees, butterflies, birds and wildlife.
... for us humans they are places of joie de vivre and relaxation.
Carbon Credits

we act actively and successfully against the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity

Flower strips and wildflower meadows are also important CO2 sinks.

They store up to 500 to CO2/hectare in their soil.
In this way, they make a significant contribution to global climate protection.

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Photo: Pixabay Royalty-free
"The climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis are inextricably linked. They are just two symptoms of the overexploitation of our planet's resources. The climate crisis has reached the public consciousness, the biodiversity crisis has not yet."
(Franz Essl, ecologist at the University of Vienna and spokesman for the Austrian Biodiversity Council)

PRO-NATUR is committed to maintaining it's native flower meadows and flowering areas

as (super)vital habitats for insects, birds and small animals.

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Photo: Pixabay Royalty-free
Mais - Monokultur_edited
Photo: Pixabay Royalty-free
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