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the habitats of the ecosystem earth

An ecosystem is the interaction between different living beings and their defined habitat.

Ecosystems are complex systems consisting of a multitude of species that interact with and depend on each other. The more ecosystems there are, the greater the diversity of habitats and communities that exist on Earth.

Ecosystems are classified according to whether they are terrestrial or aquatic habitats, as follows:


  • terrestrial ecosystems and

  • aquatic ecosystems 


Source: Studyflix - learning portal

The multitude of ecosystems on earth differ in their geographic location, climate, soil type and the species that live in them.

The most well-known ecosystems in Central Europe include meadows, flower strips, fields, forests and lakes.

Each of these ecosystems has its own characteristics and supports a wide variety of plant and animal species that are specially adapted to their respective environmental conditions.


TheThe most species-rich ecosystems in our homeland are wildflower meadows and flower strips. They fall under the biotope group of 'High Nature Value Grasslands' (HNV).

HNV biotopes are characterized by a variety of flowering plants, including knapweeds, daisies, cuckoo campions, cornflowers, and many more. These plants provide food and habitat for a variety of insects, such as butterflies, wild bees, bumblebees and others pollinator insects, but also forAmphibians, reptiles, farmland birds and wildlife.


In addition, HNV biotopes are the most important native carbon sinks and regulatory areas for groundwater purification, oxygen production, erosion and flood control, and the provision of cultural ecosystem services.

Photo: Pixabay Royalty-free
Photo: Pixabay Royalty-free

However, when ecosystems are destroyed or adversely affected, this can result in a loss of biodiversity and upset the balance of natural systems.

Our originally small-structured, near-natural cultivated land has been converted into highly productive arable land contaminated by mineral fertilizers and pesticides for decades.

The species-rich, low-yield wildflower and wild herb meadows are disappearing and being sacrificed to fast-growing commercial grassland that is fertilized chemically or with liquid manure.

Additionally, the wildflower meadow ecosystem is due to Floor sealing for residential, commercial and road constructionhighly endangered.


Protecting and restoring wildflower meadows is therefore critical to conserving ecosystem diversity and protecting natural resources.

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